
There’s Something About Estate Jewelry

Estate Jewelry

There’s Something About Estate Jewelry

Customers who come into pawn buy or sell an engagement ring often our ask our Boca Raton jewelers about an old wives’ tale that says a ring from a broken engagement can be bad luck. We have also heard some people say that the precious metals and stones found in estate jewelry collect the energy of a person who was wearing it, making any piece even more special. 

We believe that your intentions and the love in your heart are what is most important. And we have heard many stories about very successful relationships built on the gift of jewelry from the pawn shop. 

If you want to play it safe, though, there are some rituals that are said to clear negative energy.

Pump up the Positivity

Imagine you find this amazing engagement ring someone sold to the pawn shop and you bought it because it’s exactly what you were looking for. Then your mother or your sister or some guy at work says it might be bad luck. 

Our first advice is always to think positive thoughts. 

Maybe the person who had to sell the engagement ring was doing so not because an engagement had been broken, but because the woman who wore it had died after 50 years of happily married life and didn’t have a son or daughter to leave the ring to.  

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with playing it safe. If you want to purge the jewelry of any possible negative energy it absorbed over the years, all you need is a little salt, water or soil. Nature has powerful ways to eliminate negativity and cleanse.

Clear negative energy using water

  • A stream of rushing fresh water can really wash negative energy away. Put your estate jewelry or engagement ring in a fine mesh bag and secure it firmly before dipping it into a river or stream. It should stay there for a couple of hours.
  • Here in Boca Raton, we have the power of ocean water on our side. Let the salt water clean and reenergize your jewelry. The cleansing power of the ocean is remarkable.  

Clear negativity from jewelry with salt

A note of caution: not all jewelry will tolerate salt well. Never wash pearls or opals in salt. Check with a jeweler before trying this. 

  • Soak your diamond ring in salt water for at least 24 hours. It will clear beautifully.
  • Cover your jewelry items in salt and wrap them in aluminum foil to clear the energy. 

Cleanse negativity using soil

It is said that the ground can absorb negativity away from any item. 

  • Wash your jewelry and place it in the ground. Clearly mark the spot so you can find it when you come back to retrieve it.

Don’t hesitate to visit your local pawn shop when you are shopping for jewelry. Distinctive estate jewelry from our Boca Raton pawn and jewelry store makes a stylish addition to any wardrobe.

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